Monday, April 16, 2012

Maybe it would be easier to just build a new nest...

Okay, so no pun intended, but this nesting stuff is for the birds.  I just don't have the energy to keep up with the 20,000 things I want to get done before the baby is born.  I was really counting on the almost 500 chances we had from Ben's office pool to win those Mega Millions.  Then we could have just hired someone to do everything or bought all new stuff.  Stupid lotto.
Anyway, we were actually VERY productive this weekend.  It was beautiful weather and that allowed me to get my new frame outside to be painted.  I bought this frame off of a group I am apart of on Facebook.  It's basically like Craigslist, but all local.  I was so excited when I scored this frame for $15:

Years ago, when Ben and I first got married, I got a frame off Ebay that held 4 8x10s and I loved it.  But after 2 moves and 2 kids, it was falling apart.  I had wanted a frame similar to this for a long time, so when I saw it posted I scooped it up.
I just wasn't crazy about the wood finish on it.  
So, I went out and got the spray paint that I keep seeing rave reviews about:

Honestly, I wasn't that impressed.  It kept clogging up on me!  If I stopped spraying for 5 seconds, I would have to wipe the tip off and jiggle it around to get it to work again.  I will say that the end result was very nice though.  Nice even color and a pretty gloss.

I am so happy to be able to show all of our pretty pictures again!

So, while I was doing that, there was apparently some child labor going on upstairs

Ben had the girls cleaning the baseboards for him so that we could FINALLY get started on the painting.  I wish I got as excited about cleaning baseboards as they did.  I need to get them working in the rest of the house and ride this bandwagon out!  :-)
When we went to Home Depot a few weeks ago I thought Ben was crazy for buying the 2 gallon thing of Killz. Turns out he was right on. That room sucked up the entire bucket of primer!!

Years ago when we painted our first house in Chester, we didn't prime a single thing.  Lesson learned.  We are priming fools now.  Usually we get the primer tinted the same color as the paint, but since we were doing 2 different colors in this room and were painting something that had never been painted before, we opted for the white.  It did a great job and the paint went on very smoothly.
If you follow me on Facebook you know I have been very nervous about the colors the girls picked.  It's not that I don't think they are beautiful colors, it's just they are very....colorFUL I guess you could say.  When Ben started putting the purple on I did breathe a sigh of relief though.  Honestly though, there isn't really anything purple that I don't love!

I think it's a pretty color.  And the girls LOVED it which made it all worth it.  
When he started the pink, I started to get nervous though.  It is VERY pink.  Like a wild strawberry type color.  Once again the girls love it and I think once we get everything in the room and add all of the accessories, it will actually be very cute.

Honestly, I would have LOVED a room like this when I was little, so I am happy that we can do it for them.  We still need to do all the cutting in, trim work and doors, but we are making progress!  
On top of all this work, I was able to clean our linen closet, start switching the girls spring/summer clothes over and even play outside!

Oh!  And Ben agreed to stain our kitchen table, so hopefully that will start soon!  
That is all for now....this little birdie has more nest readying to do!

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