Friday, March 30, 2012

I was wrong....

THIS is madness.  Last week I posted about how when I am pregnant with summer babies, I apparently get March Madness.  Last week (or was it 2 weeks ago?), I thought I had gone mad because we were talking about moving the rooms around and painting.  I was wrong.  So, so wrong.  Talking about it is one thing.  Actually doing it....that is the maddening part!  We dove in on Saturday cleaning out the "guest room".  I use the term guest room lightly.  It's more like a junk room.  Yeah, I clean it when our parents are coming to visit, but most of the time it's the "Oh crap, people are coming over, throw everything in the "guest room" room" is evident by these before pics:

I mean really....who lives like this?  Apparently we do.  I wish I could lie and say "it only looks like this because of.....", but sadly it looks like this until a day before we get out of town guests and then I manage to tidy it up for a weekend.  
Notice the big computer monitor?  Yeah, that's circa 1998.  It has now been properly recycled at a near by computer shop.  
How we have so much crap is beyond me.  It's not like I'm a hoarder.  In fact, I can't stand clutter.  I guess out of sight out of mind though, because I can close this door and not worry about it.  Well, I could...until the madness hit.
So anyway, we started cleaning this room out and finally throwing stuff away, making donation piles, etc.  and as of Saturday evening, we got it to this:

Progress right?  We thought so and were pretty darn proud of ourselves.  The next day we worked even more and decided it made the most sense to get Allie totally moved out of her current room so that we could transfer the guest room into there.  We crammed Allie's bed and dresser into Emily's current room:

Clearly, the madness is starting to get to them as well, as is evident by the facial expressions.  Actually, I don't know who I am kidding...faces like these are a daily occurrence in our house! :-)

We were then able to move the guest room furniture and my sewing stuff into their new home:

So....phase 1 is complete!! 
The room over the garage is now pretty much empty and we have chosen paint colors.  We hope to start painting in there for the girls this weekend and have them all moved in soon.  Then it will be onto the nursery!  It is slowly but surely coming together.  
Stay tuned!

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